I couldn't go by without putting this down though because something very special happened to me tonight.
It's odd how things happen, don't you think?
I had no intention if doing yoga tonight however the treadmills were all full at the gym and I was right on time to pop into class. My lower back had been hurting and I thought it could only help.
I'm usually not very focused during practice. I can't get out of my own head and I'm too focused on balance but for some reason none of that mattered tonight.
I was able to let everything go and just breathe into the poses. It was almost the end and I was in tree pose. I know how bizarre what I'm about to say is going to sound, trust me.
All of a sudden, in the mirror the figure I was looking at changed. The "fat girl" wasn't there anymore. I saw ME. I saw me how others see me. I saw a healthy, thin, beautiful woman. That honestly is the first time the fat girl wasn't there staring back at me.
I don't know if this will last or what even happened tonight but as tears stream down my face I am thankful for the view that I saw tonight.
What an awesome thing. Thanks for sharing that!