Saturday, January 18, 2014

I'm a celebrity.

I'm not really. But I feel like one. I wrote to People magazine after their annual "Half Their Size" issue. The tag line on the front of the article said "No surgery, no gimmicks."
It rubbed me the wrong way. Bariatric surgery has had a stigma attached to it for a long time. And even though it is more popular now, there's still a stigma attached to it. "Ohhhh, you lost weight through SURGERY."
People don't understand that although I used a tool to help me out, I had to make a huge lifestyle change too. 
I watch what I eat and I work out A LOT. It's not just like a magic bean that grows a stalk. It's not a unicorn. It simply a tool just like your fit bit is. So I wrote in and tried to consolidate all that into something powerful and they printed it! 
So I'm super thrilled with this. It's a message everyone needs to see. 

The second part of this is the doubt I've been having lately. The whole "what am I doing with my life, is this all there is?!" Sad emo posts I've been doing. 

But after my friend Karie posted something today it made me realize that, yes, this is all there is. And I'm living my life and making a difference. 

I'm kicking ass for the CCFA. I'm letting people know in a national magazine that stigmas aren't ok. I'm changing lives. And I'm shaping futures. And I'm amazing. 

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