Monday, October 13, 2014

Changes (not the TuPac kind)

Change can be scary. Whether the change is good or bad, there's something in all of us that equates change with fear. Personal and doesn't matter...I can remember going over pros and cons; worrying about what was going to be.
Half the time, the worst possible thing you could imagine is not anywhere close to what actually happens and you've expended all this energy that could have been used for good instead of evil!

It's taken me a long time to get to the point where, at least in the workplace, I've started to accept that change is good. It keeps people fresh. It creates new opportunities. I think I probably had to learn that once I acquired direct reports, because trust me, listening to seven people's fears leaves no time for your own.

Long story short, my group, which has always rolled into the sales organization is now reporting into Global Supply Chain. Without a whole lot of GE mumbo jumbo, this means big changes not only going global, but moving towards a "one company" approach.

I was given the opportunity to talk about our group in a video that was launched globally to the entire Global Supply Chain. It was a group of people and we were all in the video, but they started and ended with me and I think that's pretty cool and memorable.
Here's a screen cap from the video (since it's internal I can't actually link you to it, which is a bummer.)

Not only did I say this, but I introduced us globally as a group who "Is the hub of the business. Seamlessly orchestrating all functions of the business, turning an order into providing dependable patient care."
Which, yes, I did come up with myself (*pats self on back*) and I also think is pretty cool. Sometimes, I complain about my job, but in reality, my job is pretty cool when you think of who it affects down the line.

The advice I try to give my employees during this time, when things feel uncertain, is to embrace it. Embrace the uncertainty, because you can make it anything you want it to be. It's ok to feel nervous for a minute. But then move on and keep the communication lines open, because the more we talk about the changes, the more we can bring our ideas to the table to squash the fears.

 Change brings the opportunity for you to learn; for personal growth. Change brings improvements...imagine if change could give you a better work/life balance! Change forces you to look at the bigger picture. Instead of looking at what is right in front of you, it forces you to widen your view.

Change has also helped me become a better leader. Although, I love my senior employees, the fact that I've helped quite a few of them move onto amazing roles, allows me to bring in new employees and that keeps ME fresh. I always have to stay on top of my game with teaching and learning how to interact with new hires to make sure they are the best they can be. 

The next time you start to fear change....stop for a minute and think of all the possibilities it could bring you instead. If you can do that, it really is a game changer for you and the people around you.

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