Thursday, August 1, 2013

The start of four noble truths

I have been looking for an outlet. I have a few. Shopping, exercise, torturing my cats with lasers...the usual. It seems, however, I have a lot of thoughts in my head that have been looking for a way out and apparantly they are too fat to get out of the current outlets.

Blogging for me is cathartic. I always fancy myself a writer even though my grammar is terrible and I use commas all wrong. Whatever. When I went through all my bariatric stuff, blogging was a saving grace for me. It allowed for me to get all those thoughts on paper and it somehow validated me. It made me feel like the feelings I was feeling were REAL. And they were ok. Original Blog

I have a lot of things to say, but I'll start with the reason behind "The Four Noble Truths." I'm not a Buddhist. But those teachings speak to me. I wish I could be as zen as I imagine the Buddhist are. I picture all people who practice Buddhism living in Bali, wearing sarongs, not having a care in the world. And while I know that's not true, it sure would be nice if that was a thing. (I mean, is it a thing? If it's a thing can someone tell me how I get there? I'll bring my own sarong.)

This blog is going to start with me going over teachings of the four noble truths and how I apply them to situations in my life and how I see them in other people's lives.
It's probably going to have some candid thoughts. It's probably going to be snarky a lot of the time. It's probably going be jumbled and sometimes maybe it won't make sense to anyone but me.

In my defense though, I'm super funny. So at least, if you're reading this, and you decide to stick around, you'll probably be entertained.
And if you're not, I feel like you should take a really hard look at yourself and whether or not your sense of humor is broken. Because it probably is. And you should probably see a doctor for that.

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